Nak kongsi la sikit ngan anda semua..akhir2 ni banyak betul saya terima email dr kawan2..sama ada yang duduk kt malaysia atau luar negara..macam2 cerita dn kesah kt dlm email tu..minggu lepas saya terima satu email yang nk share ngan semua org..Rasa menarik plk nk share citer ni kt semua..
First dpt email ni..senyum sendiri saya..tapi bila fikir balik..itu lah kuasa ALLAH..mcm2 perkara pelik yg ALLAH nk tunjuk kt kita..anda semua jgn fikir bukan2 plk kalau tgok artikel sy kali ni yer..sajer nk share utk tatapan bersama..
Chili tu….jgn pkir laen dah…huhu...Cantik kaler cili ni... bgs utk wat hantaran...
Chili pilihan/ idaman Dara & mak janda. Hati-hati semasa potong!hehehe
Hot Stuff
Mother Nature must be playing a prank on mankind
(and womankind as well) when such extraordinary vegetables appear.
These are actual peppers from a garden. They are called 'Peter Peppers'..
When I first saw its picture, I thought it’s just another photoshopped hoax, but digging deeper, I was surprised to discover that it’s a real plant, usually called the Peter Pepper, scientific name capsicum annuum var. annuum ‘Peter’.
It’s native to Louisiana and Texas.
It’s been called many other names, including Chilli Willy and Penis Chilli; and has been judged “Most Pornographic Pepper” by Organic Gardening Magazine...
Not surprising, since it looks like so:
Apparently it has always been grown more as an ornamental thing, rather than to be eaten, although it’s perfectly edible.
By the way, a farmer who specializes in growing them says they can grow up to 18" long!
Sort of brings a tear to your eyes, doesn't it?
Apa pendapat anda..sanggup x nk makan chili ni or sayang nk wat koleksi jer..hehehe
Ini lah kebesaran ALLAH yg ditunjukkan pada kita...
masya Allah...
pelik tapi nak tergelak...hehe
salam perjuangan...
tu la kuasa ALLAH SWT...